Jazmine Donerson • Dec 28, 2022

How a regular cleaning service can reduce allergy symptoms

Allergies are one of the most common health issues in the United States. About 40 million Americans suffer from allergies, many of which are affected by indoor allergens that can be difficult to manage. Allergy symptoms range from mild sniffles and sneezes to severe reactions like asthma attacks or anaphylaxis, so it's essential to keep your home as free of allergens as possible. One way you can do this is by regularly scheduling a professional cleaning service that uses eco-friendly products that are safe for you and your family.

Dust in the air

Dust is everywhere. It's in the air, on your furniture, and probably sitting on your dinner plate right now. Dust comes from many different sources, including human skin cells and animal dander (that's why some of us have allergies to our pets).

But let's be honest: We all know that we have too much dust in our homes—especially if you or someone else in your family has a history of allergies or asthma.

The more dust you have in your home, the more likely you will develop or worsen pre-existing allergies or asthma.

So what can you do about it? One of the best things you can do is to partner with a professional cleaning service like Mother Earth Cleaning to eliminate as much dust as possible regularly. Request a ME Cleaning Service estimate today!

It's not just the amount of dust particles in your home, it's what's in them that really matters.

Allergens are the culprits behind most allergy symptoms, and many can be found in your home. Pollen, mold spores, dander (skin flakes) from pets or humans—the list goes on. Even if you have a clean house and keep to a strict cleaning schedule, there are still plenty of allergens that may be living in your home!

The solution? Hiring an effective cleaning service will make all the difference. A professional service will not only thoroughly clean your home but also remove any allergens that might still be lurking around. Our ME Cleaning Service packages are fully customizable and designed to eliminate dust mites and other pathogens residing in carpets and upholstered furniture; thoroughly clean your home and remove any allergens that might still The list goes on: pollen, mold spores, dander (skin flakes) from pets or humans and disinfect hard surfaces with antimicrobial agents for mold and mildew control, which can help improve asthma symptoms by reducing exposure to irritants like pollen and pet dander when allergens are released into the air through exhalation or skin contact with someone who has been exposed previously (like if you're wearing slippers).

Allergens are different from ordinary dust.

Dust, like all the other things we've discussed, is a big part of what makes our homes dirty. Dust can be allergens—but they aren't the only thing in dust. Dust is made up of dead skin cells and animal dander (which is just pet hair) and pollen from plants outdoors. Allergens are proteins that trigger an immune response in your body. They're not ordinary dust; they're very specific to certain types of plants or animals—like pet dander or pollen—and when you inhale them, they cause your immune system to overreact and produce antibodies that try to fight off whatever it thinks is attacking your body.

Chemical allergens can also be a problem. With our eco-friendly green cleaning service, we'll use only natural cleaning products eliminating dangerous chemical allergens.

However, you may still be wondering why we should go to such great lengths to avoid the use of chemicals in our homes. Why not just let your regular cleaning service use their standard products, and call it a day? The truth is that chemical allergens can also be a problem. With our eco-friendly green cleaning service, we'll use only natural cleaning products eliminating dangerous chemical allergens.

With so many products on the market today promising to keep your home clean and fresh without heavy-duty chemicals, how do you know what's best for your family? It comes down to knowing which ingredients are safe and effective in cleansers while being kind to people with asthma or allergies. If you have questions about whether something is safe for your household, don't hesitate to ask us! Our experts have years of experience working with people who are sensitive to certain types of cleaners so the,y can help guide you through this process.

Modern homes have a lot more places for allergens to hide than older homes did.

Modern homes have a lot more places for allergens to hide than older homes did.

In the late 1800s, it was common to use bare wood flooring and furniture that didn't shed dander. But today's houses are filled with carpeting and upholstered furniture, carpets in the bedrooms, drapes and blinds on windows—all of which trap dust mites and pet hair. The average home has three times as much carpet as it did 50 years ago! That means there's also much more space for allergens like mold spores or tiny insects that could trigger an asthma attack or cause someone with allergies to sneeze uncontrollably.

Modern homes also have more appliances running constantly -- such as air conditioning systems—and more electronic equipment that can give off odors (like old VCRs). Even if we try to take care of these things ourselves by vacuuming once a week or so, we often fail because our schedules are too busy (or we're just lazy).

Regularly cleaning and vacuuming helps keep allergens at bay. By regularly cleaning carpets, floors, and baseboards we can attack allergens where the hide.

As the number of people suffering from allergies has increased, so has the popularity of regular cleaning services. Allergies can be debilitating and even dangerous. In fact, they are the sixth leading cause of chronic health conditions in America, according to the National Heart Foundation. Staying on top of your allergy symptoms is key to living a healthy life with fewer flare-ups.

One way that you can help keep your house clean is by using a company that offers weekly or bi-weekly cleaning services. By regularly having carpets cleaned and floors vacuumed, you can avoid dust mites—a common trigger for allergies—and other allergens from building up throughout your home.

A regular cleaning service can help you control allergens that cause allergy symptoms.

A regular cleaning service can help you control allergens that cause allergy symptoms. A regular cleaning service will clean your home more regularly than you would, which means that allergens will be less likely to build up in your home. If you have allergies to dust mites or pollen, a regular cleaning service will keep these allergens out of your home and reduce the amount of time they spend there.

A regular cleaning service helps reduce allergen exposure by decreasing the amount of time dust mites and other allergens spend in your house, meaning that they're less likely to end up on surfaces where people go throughout the day (like sofas or beds). Regularly scheduled visits from cleaners mean that they come through each room at least once per week (or more often if needed), whereas if it's just one person doing all the work, he or she might not get around to all rooms every week—and there's no guarantee about whether he or she would focus on areas where an allergy sufferer spends most his time (like a bedroom).

Allergies are a serious problem that can affect your quality of life. By keeping your home clean and free of allergens, you can reduce the symptoms caused by your allergies. With our eco-friendly green cleaning service, we'll use only natural products eliminating dangerous chemical allergens. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today!

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